
Thanks for visiting A1 Electronics. This site is 100% devoted to PC hardware. It is aimed at builders, gamers, enthusiast and every other geek out there who, like me, can’t get enough info about computer parts.

A1 Electronics is currently a one man show hosted by me, Bob (Roberto) Giovanni, but sometimes with guests. I’m a tech enthusiast based outside Columbus, Ohio who started out some time in the 90s with a 486 DX4 running at 100 MHz.

A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then and unfortunately I didn’t hang on to that rocket ship of a computer. But I’ve had many others along the way and stayed mostly up-to-date with what’s happened in the industry. 

Hence the idea to run a website about PC parts. A1 focuses broadly on hardware but I like to write how-to’s, reviews and the odd comment from what’s new and happening. 

To get in touch, use the contact form on this page

Keeping up with the times, I’ve also added a fascinating privacy policy page here